Thank You & Introduction Note by PANI UM President

Persatuan Alumni India Universiti Malaya

Thank You & Introduction Note by PANI UM President

April 22, 2022 News 0

Appreciation Note by PANI UM President

Vanakkam and good day to all PANI UM members.

First and foremost, on behalf of the Executive Members of PANI UM 2020/2022, please let me thank Board of Advisors and members of PANI for your continuous support. Your support has enabled us to give our best to fulfil what we have promised after we took over the leadership back on 26th Dec 2020.

COVID-19 had posed a great challenge for us to carry out our activities it did not deter us from organizing activities for the benefit of PANI UM members and society at large.

I am pleased to inform you that since 26th December 2020, we have managed to:

(a) increase the number of life members of PANI UM,
(b) organize 10 executive talks covering various topics, from digital marketing to vaccination and budget 2022;
(c) organize an online public speaking competition for the first time;
(d) organize a career workshop for UM Indian undergraduates;
(e) organize a food donation drive for 70 UM Indian undergraduates during the MCO period;
(f) organize a donation drive for the UM Sivan temple renovation project;
(g) organize a cleaning activity at SJK (T) Carey Island;
(h) organize Showcase Your Business Program; and
(i) organize Sharing Secret of Success Program.

Besides the above, we were have engaged various stakeholders which enabled us to give our inputs to the stakeholders on various issues affecting the members and society. The engagement surely has improved our presence in the public of the stakeholders and they have considered our inputs on the relevant issues and continue to seek more inputs from us.

Every beginning has its’ ending. The tenure of the Executive Members of PANI UM 2020/2022 ended on 9th April 2022 but I appreciate the trust of all PANI UM Members for appointing me as President again for the term 2022/2024. We will continue to perform better to fulfil the expectation of the PANI Members.

With this, please allow me to introduce the Executive Members from 2022 to 2024.

We will get in touch from time to time to update on our next activity and news.

Stay tuned and Stay Safe. Thank you. Nandri.

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