Empowering Communities: The Success of PANI UM Legal Aid Day

Persatuan Alumni India Universiti Malaya

Empowering Communities: The Success of PANI UM Legal Aid Day

June 20, 2023 Event 0

The Success of PANI UM Legal Aid Day

Providing Free Legal Consultation: A Recap of PANI UM’s Initiative

In a world where access to legal aid remains a privilege for many, Persatuan Alumni India Universiti Malaya (PANI UM) took a remarkable step forward by organizing Legal Aid Day2023 – PANI UM. This groundbreaking event brought together a team of five dedicated lawyers who provided free legal consultations to attendees, empowering the community with legal knowledge and support. Let’s dive into the success of this initiative and its impact on those who participated.

The Power of Community Support:

PANI UM, known for its commitment to empowering individuals, once again demonstrated its dedication to fostering community support. The Legal Aid Day 2023 event was a testament to their mission, as they recognized the importance of ensuring equal access to legal assistance for all, regardless of social or economic backgrounds. Another success factor of this event was due to the collaboration with Jabatan Pengajian India, Universiti Malaya. Special Thank You to Dr Manimaran, Dr Silllalee and team from Jabatan Pengajian India for their immerse support and contribution for this event.

At the heart of this event was PANI UM’s legal team, composed of five experienced lawyers who volunteered their time and expertise. These legal professionals, well-versed in various areas of law, were ready to provide guidance and consultation on a wide range of legal matters. From civil disputes to family law issues, their collective knowledge spanned across different domains to cater to the diverse needs of the attendees.



L-R: Thanasegar Ramasamy, Revathi Kannan, Srileena Siwalinggam, Navaneetha Perumal & Thayalan Retanavalu

One of the standout features of Legal Aid Day 2023 was the provision of free legal consultation. This element aimed to remove the financial barriers that often prevent individuals from seeking professional legal advice. By offering their services without charge, the legal team ensured that attendees had the opportunity to receive guidance and make informed decisions about their legal concerns.

The Impact:

The impact of PANI UM Legal Aid Day on the community was profound. Attendees expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to consult with experienced lawyers and gain clarity on legal matters that had been weighing on their minds. From tenants dealing with landlord disputes to individuals seeking guidance on employment contracts, the event provided a platform for people to address their legal concerns and understand their rights better.

The success of PANI UM’s Legal Aid Day 2023 exemplifies the power of community-driven initiatives in providing access to justice and legal support. Through the selfless efforts of their legal team, PANI UM has not only offered free consultation but also empowered individuals by spreading legal awareness. By organizing such events, we can build a more equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to seek justice and protect their rights. The impact of this initiative will undoubtedly reverberate within the community for years to come, inspiring other organizations to follow suit and champion the cause of equal access to legal aid.


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